Black Sage Smudge

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Black Sage Smudge – Mugwort Smudge

Black sage (Salvia mellifera) is also known as Mugwort, black Sagebrush, magical sage, or even dream Weed; it is a very aromatic herb typically found growing in California, Baja California, and Mexico.

What is Black Sage (Mugwort sage smudge) used for?

Using a black sage smudge encourages visions, enhances divination, prophetic dreams, and protection during shamanic journeying, astral travel, and crystal gazing.

If you use a black sage smudge in your bedroom just before you go to bed, it can help you have a peaceful night’s sleep, which is why this herb is used for inner healing and introspection.

Burning a mugwort smudge stick acts as a good cleanser and purifier and will increase your home’s positive energy. Before smudging, you need to set your intentions, ensuring your mind focuses on what you want to achieve.

Black Sage Smudge

Smudging with black sage can also help to repel insects; try wafting the smoke around as well as hanging bundles of the plant around your home or workspace.

There is no rule as to when you use black sage smudge; it can be used daily as an air freshener if you have a room or area that is susceptible to foul smells!

Mugwort smudge sticks are widely used in Pagan and Wiccan smudging ceremonies.